
ROW Communications

The Region of Waterloo Head Coach Cathy Pardy has just been confirmed as the new Head Coach for Team Ontario at the 2021 edition of the Canada Games in Niagara! Read the full announcement here. This is a great recognition of Cathy's experience and dedication to the sport of swimming in the province. We wish Cathy and Team Ontario the best of luck in training and with the Games! Congratulations, Cathy!

ROW Communications

The Region of Waterloo Swim Club would like to recognize our ad-hoc Return to Play committee: Sara Jain, Shannon Newell, Jina Silva, Alex Johnson (AJ) and Cathy Pardy. On a short notice, they stepped forward and donated many hours of their time in the past several weeks to meetings, Swim Ontario and Swim Canada briefings and webinars in order to put together ROW’s Return to Train Plan. It consists of the documents and procedures outlined under Return to Train on our website. This plan was approved by Swim Ontario and...

ROW Communications

Dear ROW Families: We hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy during this challenging time. The Board of Directors and the coaching staff have been discussing the rest of this season. Based on all the information we have at this time, our swim season is over for 2019-2020. We are currently making plans for what our start up will look like in September. These plans will be fluid as they may need to change based on requirements from Swim Ontario as well as WLU. It goes without saying...

ROW Communications

Dear ROW Members: Like many of you, I am working from home, with multiple video calls and sitting in front of a computer screen most of the day. I encourage you to take breaks from the screen, get up and stretch, listen to some fun music, be creative etc. Personally, I move from the computer screen, phone and sewing machine. My sister and I have sewn over 1000 button headbands, donating them to frontline workers to attach their face masks and protect behind their ears. Some of my calls have...

ROW Communications

Please read the official communication from Swim Canada here:

ROW Communications

Dear ROW families: First, we hope everyone is healthy and safe and we encourage you to continue to follow the guidelines issued by the Health Authority. The current public health situation and the response to it are impacting every corner of society and we as a club are also seriously affected. We know you may be getting numerous similar messages every day and will keep ours brief. At this point it looks like the facility closures will last longer than initially projected, and the lockdowns make group activities impossible. As...

ROW Communications

Hello ROW Membership, The board and coaching staff have been working very hard over the last several days following the COVID-19 outbreak and the changes that this means for membership. At this point, WLU has cancelled all group rentals until April 30th. What this means for us is that we will not have a facility to train in. We are still unsure what the city pools programming has to offer. They have not made a final decision to suspend or continue with their programming. At this time, we are suspending...

ROW Communications

Congratulations to the swimmers and coaches for the great improvements to the many races this past weekend at Regionals! Thank you to the parents who consistently support their children, by getting them to and from the pool! You are all a part of a developing new culture, bringing ROW back in line with success in the pool. We are well on our way to developing a steady stream of athletes embarking on faster swimming in our region, the province and nationally. Please celebrate with us in honouring the following swimmers:...

ROW Communications

"A set of special equipment was unveiled in Waterloo Wednesday night, aimed at helping make the sport of swimming more accessible." Read about it in this CTV piece.

ROW Communications

We are very pleased to share with our members a great accomplishment achieved by our team. R.O.W. Swim Club was recognized with the Most Improved Male Team award for its performance at this Summer’s Ontario Swim Championships (OSC) or Provincials. On September 13th, 2019, at Swim Ontario’s 30th Annual Awards Ceremony that took place in Mississauga, Matthew Berton and Alex Rus were very honored to accept this award on behalf of the team from Dean Boles! Heartfelt congratulations to the swimmers and their coach, Cathy!