ROW's plan for the COVID-19 situation (updated Saturday March 14, 2020)

ROW Communications

Hello ROW Membership, 

The board and coaching staff have been working very hard over the last several days following the COVID-19 outbreak and the changes that this means for membership. 

At this point, WLU has cancelled all group rentals until April 30th. What this means for us is that we will not have a facility to train in. We are still unsure what the city pools programming has to offer. They have not made a final decision to suspend or continue with their programming. 

At this time, we are suspending our programming until April 30th. Training will be extended for one month beyond each group's scheduled end date to complete the season.

We are still waiting to hear from Swim Ontario about the dates for meets such as Regionals, Festivals and Provincials. 

As always, we suggest that you continue to follow the advice of Public Heath and the medical community to ensure the safety of your families and those around you. 

Thank you for your understanding as we work through this.  We will continue to provide updates to membership as things unfold and further information is available.

Please feel free to contact the board if you have any questions by email at: [email protected]