Frequently Asked Questions

ROW Team Travel FAQs |  Swimming Terms & Definitions | New Parent Information

New Parent FAQs

1. What does the training fee cover? Are there any additional fees or expenses?

Training fees cover all costs related to the training of your swimmer. These include pool costs, coaching fees, etc. We also ESTIMATE meet fees for your swimmer for the season. Both training fees and meets fees are deducted as one payment from your account monthly. At the end of the season, if you have a surplus, the amount will be credited to your account and be applied to the next season’s fees or can be refunded upon request. If your swimmer has attended more meets than estimated, you may find a balance owing on your account at the end of the season. This amount must be paid to bring your account up-to-date before you can register for the following season. Sometimes team building events or team travel meets are organized. These items are extra and require a separate payment. You can write a cheque for these items, and deposit it in the ROW mailbox outside the pool gallery


2. What happens if I miss a practice? 

Unfortunately, there is no refund for missed practices. As a courtesy, you may notify your coach of any known absences in advance, e.g. vacations, illnesses, family commitments. 


3. How do I contact my swimmer’s coach?

If you have a question, please email your coach. All coach emails are listed under the “Coaches” tab on our website. We ask that you allow up to 48 hours for your email to be answered. Coaches will not respond on weekends or during meets


4. If a conflict arises, how do I seek resolution?

If you have a concern, please speak with your coach first. If it is not resolved, a meeting with the coach, parent and head coach will be arranged.. If it is still not resolved, then a meeting with the coach, head coach, and a board member will take place.


5. When should we arrive for practice? What should my swimmer bring to practice?

You should arrive at the pool with enough time for your swimmer to be ready on deck 15 minutes prior to the start of practice. This 15-minute period is used for activation/warm-up and is an important part of their practice. Every swimmer should have a black training suit, ROW swim cap, and goggles. Other training equipment such as fins, paddles or snorkels are group-specific. To find out what equipment your swimmer needs please check your group page under the “Programs” tab on the website. There you will find a link to your equipment list


6. Do I need to stay and watch practice? 

You are not required to stay at the pool during your swimmer’s practice. If you choose to run errands or leave, we ask that you pick up your child on time from practice. If you choose to stay, you are welcome to view the practice from the gallery above the pool deck. Please refrain from coaching from the gallery, giving hand signals, getting their attention, or otherwise disrupting the group. Coaches try hard to keep their attention, and would appreciate your assistance in decreasing the number of distractions. 


7. How do I find out about items like meets, social events, entry deadlines, schedule changes? 

All information regarding meets and team functions are on our website under “Meets/Events”, or you can also find them at the bottom of our Home page. Your coach will also email you notifications about these events.


8. How do I accept or decline a meet? 

Once you have signed into your account, you can click on a meet and follow the prompts to either accept or decline your attendance. You can also note any days you are not able to attend. Preliminary entries will be emailed out prior to the deadline. Please verify that they reflect your choice to attend the meet. Notify your coach of any discrepancies, or you may be responsible for any applicable fees for cancellations past the entry deadline


9. How long is a meet? 

Meets can vary in length from 1 day to 3 or even 4 days at higher levels. Typically, the days are divided into sessions. These sessions include a one-hour warm-up followed 3 by races. The length of the session depends on the number of swimmers and races scheduled, and typically run 4-5 hours. What session your swimmer swims in is usually dictated by their age. Younger swimmers (12 and under) usually swim in the afternoon, older swimmers (13 and over) swim in the morning, and sometimes again in the evening if they qualify for finals. However, this can vary from meet to meet depending on how they have been set up. It is important to read the Meet Package so you can familiarize yourself with the layout of the meet. The events your swimmer will race in are chosen by your coach, usually 2 or 3 events per day. Although we encourage you to stay the whole time and cheer on your team, you may leave once your swimmer is finished and has been excused from the deck by your coach.


10. What should my swimmer pack in their swim bag for a meet? When do I arrive?

Swimmers should be on deck, ready to swim, at least 15 minutes prior to the start of warm-up. This gives coaches enough time to take attendance, make any race changes if necessary, and give warm-up instructions. Their bag should have a black swimsuit, 2 ROW caps, 2 pairs of goggles, 2 towels, a ROW t-shirt or other ROW apparel, warm pants to wear between races, a water bottle, and healthy snacks. Please note that any unhealthy snacks will be confiscated by the coach.


11. Is there a parent volunteer requirement? 

Yes! We are a volunteer-based; not-for-profit organization and as such, rely heavily on involvement from our member families. Each family is expected to participate in volunteer activities. A point system is used to track family participation and different jobs have different point values assigned to them. You can read all about this program on our website under the “Club Info” tab in the document titled Family Participation Program.


12. How many points do I need and how do I earn points?

Point targets are based on the group level of your swimmer. You can earn points through various activities. Some examples include officiating on deck, chaperoning team travel, volunteering with food services, and so many more. A list of point requirements for each group and many of the opportunities for earning points can be found on our website under the “Club Info” tab in the document titled Family Participation Program