Welcome to ROW!

Joining the world of swimming can be overwhelming at first.  We have all been through it, and want to help! 


Please view the ROW New Parent Orientation slides. If you have any questions, please contact your coach or the Board.


Some things to help get you started:


  1. Make note of your child's schedule and the meet schedule - we suggest putting it into your favourite calendar to help keep track
  2. Review the equipment your child will need - talk to your Coach to get suggestions for your age/stage
  3. Buy a good quality suit (Speedo is popular, LY Sports offers a discount) and a backup if you do a lot of meets - cheap suits won't hold up to the pool and practice/meet routine
  4. Find a pair of goggles your child likes (Arena or Speedo Vanquisher Jr are popular ,  LY Sports offers a discount ) and get 2 pairs (more if they're on sale) as they get lost/broken fairly easily, particularly during swim meets
  5. Checkout the ROW gear you can get (note: only certain times of the year) -
    1. Note: you don't have to get an adult t-shirt, but they are cool, comfy, and help ROW parents find each other at meets
  6. Review our Volunteering, Officiating, and Family Participation Points program so you get up to speed quickly!
  7. Review the Parent Handbook for more information, but don't let it overwhelm you
  8. Follow the club Socials (FacebookTwitterInstagram) to keep up with the club's many meets and results, and cheer on all the ROW swimmers
  9. Grab the App MeetMobile, which parents can use to track meets, races, and results.  You will spend a lot of time with this app at meets!
  10. Get signed up with an account on rowswimming.ca if you haven't already
  11. If its your first meet, the stands are hot and often busy.  Bring cold water and something soft to sit on

Some of the most helpful advice we can give new parents - Talk to other parents in your group!   Don't be shy, everyone is going through this as a group, learning together.  Every year brings new things we learn about, even after many years in swimming.  Connect in person, find your parent liaison, see if your group has a Facebook group, Telegram/Signal/etc group, and make connections.  You may end up spending dozens or hundreds of hours together over the coming years, and everyone is learning as they go, so learn and have fun together!  


Frequently Asked Questions

See the main Frequently Asked Questions page for more FAQs



1. How does parking work at WLU?

Note: this is only advice, you are responsible for where you park and following the rules!

  • We're allowed to park in the spots outside the sports complex after 4:30 without a pass

  • That does NOT include the metered spots - you can/will get a ticket there

  • WLU does ticket if you're not parked properly, follow the signs!

  • There isn't a LOT of parking at WLU, so come early during busy times

  • When we are hosting a meet at WLU, arrive EXTRA early so you can find parking


2. How do we get in the front door?

  • You will be given a card to scan at the gate - normally one for your swimmer, and one for a parent
  • Scan the card, the gates open, and you can go in
  • If you don't have your card, you can talk to the people at the desk, let them know you're with ROW, they'll normally let you in


3. Lost and Found

Things get lost, a lot.  There are lots of places they may be

  • Talk to your child's coach as soon as you can
  • Talk to the other parents in your group
  • Ask at the front desk to see the lost and found
  • Talk to the lifeguards on deck - they have another lost and found