Club Governance:

ROW is governed by a Board of Directors composed of parent volunteers, elected on three-year terms (with a maximum of two consecutive terms). Elections take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which typically is held in December. Any openings are advertised each year in advance of the AGM. 

Board meetings are open to all ROW members in good standing and are usually held on the 1st Wednesday of the month.  Agenda topics must be submitted to the president a minimum of 2 days prior to the meeting.

Contact the Board of Directors

The Board understands that from time to time there will be incidents that happen in or around the pool that concern our parents or swimmers. We encourage you to contact your swimmer's coach first to discuss and resolve the issue. If you are not satisfied with the resolution, please bring your concerns to the Head Coach. If the situation arises again or does not get resolved to your satisfaction, we encourage you to contact the Member Liaison at: memberliaison at

If you have questions about your FPPs, please email: volunteer at

To reach the entire 9-member Board, please email: board at


Board members



 Horatiu Rus

 Club President


 Liz Akeroyd

 Past President


 Brent Hutzal



 Lydia Fischer

 Secretary, Apparel


 Liz Akeroyd

 Fundraising &   Sponsorships


 Jina Silva

 Members Liaison, Meet Mgmt Liaison


 Tanja Tudhope

 Coaches Liaison


 Kuyler Neable

 External Relations, DRO


 Wing Chan



 Monica Emelko


FPP, External Rel. 

