ROW's updated plan

ROW Communications
Dear ROW Families:


We hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy during this challenging time.


The Board of Directors and the coaching staff have been discussing the rest of this season. Based on all the information we have at this time, our swim season is over for 2019-2020. We are currently making plans for what our start up will look like in September. These plans will be fluid as they may need to change based on requirements from Swim Ontario as well as WLU. It goes without saying that there is new information daily on this front as well.


The coaching staff have already began discussions about group placements for September. These will be communicated to all members by the end of June, as usual. The coaches will continue with virtual dryland sessions at this time, as staying active is a very important part of not only physical health, but mental health as well.


We encourage all swimmers to continue to keep fit, focus on school work and keep in touch with friends virtually until these restrictions are lifted.


Please stay safe and healthy and we look forward to having everyone back in the water in September. In the meantime, we will continue to communicate any new information that may affect our members as soon as we receive it.


ROW Board of Directors