The COVID-19 situation and ROW (updated March 26,2020)

ROW Communications

Dear ROW families:

First, we hope everyone is healthy and safe and we encourage you to continue to follow the guidelines issued by the Health Authority.

The current public health situation and the response to it are impacting every corner of society and we as a club are also seriously affected. We know you may be getting numerous similar messages every day and will keep ours brief.


At this point it looks like the facility closures will last longer than initially projected, and the lockdowns make group activities impossible. As you know, the Canadian Olympic Trials, along with all provincial competitions and other activities (like the Swimathon) have been either postponed or canceled altogether. While we await decisions from Swim Ontario, the University, Public Health and the City on the rest of the season, we are actively planning and budgeting for when we are able to resume our activities.


The coaches have used the past week or so to work on plans and groups for the next season, as well as on contingency plans if the situation were to change in the medium term. They will continue to work on finalizing this planning until the end of the month.  


We will continue to monitor each development and think about its implications for our members, the coaches and the club and we will communicate any important information as appropriate. We encourage all ROW swimmers to keep active and remain positive until we are able to return to the pool.


Stay healthy and safe, ROW!


Best wishes,

ROW Board of Directors

[email protected]