Eastern Canadian Championships

ROW Communications

Hello ROW families,


The Eastern Canadian Championships were held at the University of Laval in Quebec City last week. This National meet is open to all provinces, but is typically targeted at the Eastern provinces, including Ontario. This is the final year the Eastern Canadian Championships will be held. ROW was proud to send 4 of our athletes interested in racing once more during the winter competition -- some with hopes of qualifying for Olympic Trials being held in May.


Here is a summary of the results:


Day 1

Le Anne D - Finalist - 5th Junior 100BK

4x100 Free Relay - Open Women - 20th


Day 2

Le Anne D - Finalist - 19th Open 100BK

Katherine S - 24th Junior 100Free

4x200 Free Relay - Open Women - 18th


Day 3

Lulu S - 40th Open 50BR

Olivia G - 22nd Junior 200BK

Le Anne D - Finalist - 7th Junior 200BK


Day 4

Katherine S - Finalist - 11th Junior 50 Free

Olivia G - Finalist - 20th Junior 50 Free

Le Anne - Finalist - 7th Junior 200IM



•Lulu - 1st National Meet, tying PB to the 100th

•Le Anne - 4x Finalist w/2 PBs

•Olivia - 2x Finalist

•Katherine - Winning the B final of the 50 free in a PB qualifying for CJCs this summer


Congratulations to all of our Eastern Canadian Championships athletes!

- Head Coach AJ


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