Lots of PBs at a fantastic ROW Novice meet

ROW Communications
Hello ROW families,
The ROW Novice meet took place on December 2 at WLU, with 90 ROW athletes from our TOPs, RSA AG, and JD2 groups participating. The enthusiasm from our swimmers was contagious, and could be felt in our ROW cheer, which some of our athletes got to join in for the first time! We saw 75% of athletes broadening their event repertoire along with increasing the distances of some of their races. While new experiences can be daunting, the swimmers took the new challenges in stride and had a fantastic meet! In fact, our team came out of the meet with 213 personal bests -- that's 94% overall!
It's always fantastic to watch our novice swimmers continue to grow as athletes as they learn more about the sport. Coaches Carly, Chloe, Laura, and Ksenia are looking forward to seeing their passion for competitive swimming grow over the next several months.
A special shout-out to the following swimmers of the meet:

JD2 – Georgia N + Harry F

TOPs – Mary S + George R

RSA AG – Aubrey P + Keith Z

Congratulations to all of our athletes for their hard work in the first half of the season! Looking forward to seeing how the future unfolds for our newest ROW swimmers.

And, a special thanks to the Chatham Y Pool Sharks, Huron Hurricanes, and Royal City Aquatic Club, the ROW Meet Management team and parent volunteers for your support at the ROW Novice Meet!

Coach Carly